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Blender brush for face and body

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Blender brush for face and body from W7.

Shape, define and brighten your face with this face and body brush.

With this curved brush you can create a flawless finish, reaching all angles and curves when applying and blending makeup on the face and neck.

Perfect for applying all kinds of products such as bronzers, powders, cream makeup, etc.



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Consuelo Muy buena brocha para el contouring
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Beatriz La verdad que se ha vuelto un imprescindible en mi neceser, me puedo aplicar la crema, base, o lo que sea tanto en el cuerpo como en la cara y se aplica de manera uniforme y sin absorber mucho producto
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Ana No está mal
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Raquel Queria um pincel para aplicar autobronzeador. Esta, vejo que é igual (ou ao menos muito parecida) com o kabuki brush da Tanologist e muitíssimo mais barata!
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Encarni ¡Ideal! Con una misma brocha me doy cuerpo y rostro, me viene de lujo para no cargar de más el neceser.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
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