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Technic Cosmetics

False nail glue

Ref. TC24201 EAN: 5021769242017
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Description Ingredients

Are you a fan of the nails and nail tips?


With this glue for nails Technic of clear finish you can stick all kinds of nails without fear to be off thanks to the fixation of long-lasting brings.


It is very easy to use and also dries in seconds, simply use the applicator included in form of brush to put the glue on the fingernail and gently press onto your nail. 


Your opinions
There are 9 comment(s) on this product
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Leonor Se lo coji a las crías para jugar, no creo que sea buenísimo pero para eso va que se mata
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Sofia É a única cola que consegue durar mais de 5 dias comigo, muito boa!
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Matilde Resistente
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Beatriz Muito boa qualidade
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
gala no me gusta nada, no pega bien las uñas y las estropea mucho. no volvere ha comprar este articulo.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? No
Vânia Hola porque no pones un esmalte incolor para protección antes de colar la uña...
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Sarbjit Hola, cual esmalte incolor, me recomiendas?
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Angela Buenísimo, estoy encantada con este producto. Dura muchísimo algunas uñas lleva casi un mes con las postizas. Las que se han caído son pulgar e índice, que son los que más trote le damos.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
MAR hace su cometido.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
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