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Hydralift Body Lotion

Ref. 902045 EAN: 3800225902045
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Description Instructions

The moisturizing formula of this product is designed to give an intensive nutrition of the skin of the body.

The hyaluronic acid that is part of the product, is important for the skin, providing firmness and elasticity.

This component stimulates the proper activity of fibroblasts, prevents the loss of natural moisture that is of vital importance and improves the natural protective properties of the skin.

Use: applied to clean skin with massage movements


- Apply the mask with the fingertips extending it evenly over the face, avoiding the contour of the eyes and mucous membranes.

- Leave on for 10-15 minutes and remove the product with water.

We recommend using at least 2 times a week.

Your opinions
There are 9 comment(s) on this product
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Filipa loçao hidratante muito levezinha espalha-se muito bem, sem grande cheiro. Adoro
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Patricia Una crema hidratante, sencilla pero apañada.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
ANGELICA MARIA Muyyy hidratante para el precio que tiene.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Sandra Além de macia, hidratante a pele fica cheirosa e muito fresco.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
veronica no es una crema es mas bien una leche gusta porque hidrata lo suficiente y no es nada absorbe muy rapido y no te deja sensacion de haberte echado olor sutil y agradable.y para cuando te tienes que vestir rapido es ideal.repetire.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Isabel No lo he probado aún
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Mariana Perfeito para as mãos
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Mónica bom
  • Do you recommend your purchase? Yes
Miriam Tenía muchas ganas de que funcionara ya que soy fan de la marca. Pero llevo ya medio bote y no noto nada de nada.
  • Do you recommend your purchase? No
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