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Contour Brush E826

Ref. *E826 EAN: 6970232318263
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Description Instructions

A professional contour brush for lips, eyes and nose that works with all formulations: powder, mineral or cream.

Silky vegan fibers have a pointed tip for precise use with longer, softer fibers for blending.

The ideal brush head for all your contouring needs.

The brush head is perfectly shaped to access difficult areas of the face such as the sides of the nose, the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows.

Use the brush to apply shadow to both sides of the nose and blend to enhance the shape of your nose with subtle emphasis.

The brush is useful for applying highlighter to the brow bone and dark colored eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eyelid to promote a deep, mysterious gaze.

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Carmen Otro pincel de esta marca que no me ha gustado. Es muy rígido. A mí me mueve todo el producto que aplique con él. Sea el que sea. Debe ser que no sé usarlo. No lo veo para principiantes. No puedo recomendarlo.
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