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Oseogen Articular Powder 375g - Orange

Ref. 032050024 EAN: 8436044511837
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Description Ingredients

Oseogen Arituclar powder from Drasanvi, a unique food supplement that incorporates nutrients such as marine collagen, shark cartilage, chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate into its composition. In addition to the high concentration of the nutrients already mentioned, it is worth noting the presence of 8 vitamins (7 of them provide 100% of the recommended daily amount) and essential minerals.

Its powder form makes it easy to take as it is easy to dissolve and has a pleasant orange flavor.

Dissolve one heaped measuring spoon (10 g) in water or juice (150 ml) after breakfast. Repeat the operation after eating. We recommend consuming the product for at least 5 months.



Fructosa, Cartilago de tiburón (Contiene pescado) (Glucosamina 10% y Condroitina 17%) 1600 mg, Colágeno marino hidrolizado (Contiene pescado) 800 mg, Fosfato de calcio 400 mg, Citrato de calcio 370 mg, Aroma 
(Aroma de Naranja), Antiaglomerante (Dióxido de silicio), Carbonato de calcio 200 mg, Sulfato de condroitina (Contiene pescado) 160 mg, Acidulante (Ácido cítrico), Óxido de magnesio 100 mg, Bromelaina Vitamina C
(Ácido ascórbico) 30 mg, Levadura de selenio 20 mg, Vitamina B3 (Nicotinamida) 16 mg, (Procedente de la piña) 80 mg, Óxido de hierro 10 mg, Vitamina B5
(D-pantotenato de calcio) 6 mg, Vitamina B12 (Cianocobalamina) 2,49 mg, Vitamina D (Colecalciferol) 1,98 mg, Vitamina B6 (Clorhidrato de piroxidina) 1,4 mg, Vitamina B2
(Rivoflavina) 1,4 mg, Vitamina B1 (Clorhidrato de tiamina) 1,1 mg.

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